==>for the list and title of blog entries, scroll down this page, its on the right side of your screen and go to "blog archive" and click the "arrow(triangle)" until the titles are revealed(the TRIANGLES should ALL be pointing DOWN)^^ NOTE==> i transferred the travel blog to this webpage/link http://www.nnylanna-piberg.blogspot.com ^^ NOTE==> here's the webpage/link for my Asian Drama Reviews http://www.pibergADreviews.blogspot.com ^^
Thursday, October 29, 2009
let me start by welcoming myself to blogging. i sometimes feel the need to comment on certain issues, specially those that insults or challenges my intellect, provokes my sense of decency, my sense of outrage or even my sense of humor. i have a strong feeling this blog will be political in nature(most of the time if not all the time) so, those of you with views opposite mine, dont bite my head off and lets just respect each others opinion, in fact, im more than willing to discuss/trade ideas with any of you(ideas not insults). i guess... this blog will attempt to put into words my thoughts...goodluck to me