So many topics I could write about, share my thoughts on, give my opinions, BUT, I could not. some too personal, others involve people who are close to me like friends, family, relatives, and they might be offended at being discussed so openly in cyberspace. Of course, I can shroud in anonimity their real identity, but again, you and I both know, its easy to do the math in this case. So relax, im not gonna start the year by involving myself in personal controversies, I’ll just do the boring stuff…since a new year is about to start, im going to bring out my crystal ball and channel madame auring, madam rosa, jojo acuin and rene mariano(all self proclaimed clairvoyants or manghuhula) and make predictions for 2010…
Manny Villar will make a huge donation(an obscene amount!) to media entities in the first half of the year. No people, its not a bribe, more like payment for advertising placements for campaign ads a.k.a. “infomercials”. If you think we’ve seen the last of those campaign ads in 2009, I predict that …there’s more to come from the billionaire. After the billions that he has already obviously spent on his campaign, the guy is still behind in the surveys to the frontrunner by almost 20 percentage points. Haaay manny who’s loaded with money, that huge donation should have been used to build low cost housing for Filipinos that were displaced by the calamities that beset the country last year, di ba?
an aquino will be back in malacanang by june 2010. by all indications, ninoy and corys son will be the next president of this nation. I dunno if I should congratulate or commiserate with the guy coz Gloria Pidal will leave him a bankrupt economy and a horde of so-called public servants whose values and morals are in decay, to say the least.
“President” Gloria Pidal will be Congresswoman and/or Speaker Gloria Pidal by june of 2010 to the dismay of one of her apos who when asked what her wish for her lola is answered, “I wish you will be president forever”, out of the mouth of babes. Don’t worry hija, with your lolas’ track record, anything is possible!
OFW’s will continue to keep our economy afloat by continuously and regulary send their remittances to their family here(thanks sis!). in 2008, remittances hit US$16.4 billion, up 13.7% from the previous year. Is that good news or bad? There are currently 9-12 million OFW’s worldwide and the numbers continue to go up. Without these Filipinos workers, im beginning to question what state would the world economy be in?
So far, that’s all I see in my crystal ball. Is there a reason for us to be hopeful…who knows…at the very least, there is something we can all look forward to…at last, somebody will be out of malacanang by the middle of next year, thank God!