Not a single post in almost 3 months…whew…what’s happening to me? Last time I checked, im still breathing and alive. Burned out…after only a few posts? feeling pro! Maybe the past 3 months came and passed with nothing but boring everyday stuff? Far from it. Well…some things did happen that are not exactly pleasant but its not as if im not used to those kind of drama. I know I still have a long way to go but im starting to understand…LIFE…boy, that word sure is H E A V Y! Oooh, and im beginning to sound so mature…that is definitely not me! So let me get off this “heavy” topic before I create more problems for my scoliotic lumbar spine…
Im determined to write something today on this blog, so by god im going to do so no matter how lame the topic may be. Lets see, what would be a good topic to write about? What’s been bugging me these days? Aaaah…the heat! I don’t know the exact temperatures this country is hitting now, but it sure is, hot, hot, hot! If you need proof, how do you explain hot water coming out of your shower if your water heater has been broken for god knows how many years(why did I even have one installed in a tropical island like the Philippines is a wonder to me!)…here’s another, it feels like the heater on my room is working hard all day, as soon as I step inside, the heat greets me unwelcomingly…did I forget to mention that having a heater installed in your house is totally and absolutely unheard of in this country?...the rubberized parts of the blood pressure apparatus(whatchamacallit?) of our stay-in nurse is melting from the heat…plastiwares turning brittle…green leaves toasting under the sun turning yellow then brown…people trooping to the malls taking advantage of the free airconditioning system…halu-halo(ice shavings) vendors everywhere…rotating brownouts…the list goes on and on…
Despite my endless chatter, bashing the sweltering heat in the Philippines, I would always pick the sticky/sweaty summer over the freezing/dry flaky skin/layers-and-layers of clothes winter! 13-15 degrees and the tropical island girl in me get into the panic mode. To think I want to go back to japan and see Hokkaido in winter…I guess, i have to muster whatever courage I have in my system to get there, when is the question.
There…I managed to write something…if you can call that writing…I feel like it is best described as…ranting…yakking…blabbering…or simply complaining.