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Saturday, February 15, 2014
==> A Retreat Letter for P
Dear Pxxxx,
I'm not sure if you remember the day but i sure do... A couple of years ago, your 4-year-old self walked into my house for the first time. I knew you'd be pretty because that runs in our family *tongue-in-cheek* but i thought you'll be all shy and nervous in a strange place. but no, you were confident, perky, cheeky and chatty, with a ready answer to all our questions. I was thinking then... Finally, our Little Miss Sunshine is home at last.
Years later, at 16 years old, i look at you and i see a different girl or what i thought was a different girl. To someone who doesn't know you as a child, they would see a beautiful shy girl who would rather stay in the background than be on stage. But actually, one only has to dig a little deeper and you'll find the same girl... well, with a little bit of refinement here and there, which to me just added to your charm *naks* But still, you're that same girl that is a source of pride and joy to your family *are you blushing yet?* At this point you must be congratulating yourself for making the excellent decision of asking me to do this...hahaha...
Pxxxx, when you asked me to write you a retreat letter, i honestly didn't know where to start. Its my first you see, besides, you've been a relatively good girl all these years, so i'm thinking... what can i possibly contribute to your bucket list of wisdom... But if you insist...
I guess you can say that this is a general overview of how a teenage mind works. It may not be you exactly but im sure at some point you can relate to some of what i wrote below. Let me just zero in on 2 topics that is usually the bone of contention between parents and teenage children. Listen up Pxxxx...
1. FREEDOM.Teenagers and their mistaken notion that they are adults. They are no longer children so they must be adults therefore parents shouldnt be so strict. Thats why most teen girls cant wait to make a dash to their 18th birthday. They think, when they reach the legal age, they are entitled to make their own decisions... Wrong! Age is just a number, it does not guarantee maturity. Besides, freedom is not all its cut up to be. So unless you're equipped with all the right tools, don't even go there yet. You would need a couple more years of existence, celebrate several more birthdays and a whole lot of guidance from your elders whose been there and have done all that before you can fully spread your wings and fly on your own. So, the next time you get bored at home and wanna hang out with friends somewhere and your mom or dad says no, don't be too pissed. I know this is an annoying saying but i still want to say it 'coz its absolutely true: Only Boring People Gets Bored! *still think its a good idea to ask me to do this? :p*
2. LOVE. At 16, socializing with boys is fine, even thinking a particular boy is cute and daydream about him is also fine. When that boy shows an interest in you and your heart feels like it just performed a triple somersault each time he's near is so so fine. What is not fine is when a teen like yourself make the common mistake of believing an exciting "kilig" attraction as LOVE. What i want to say to that teen with heart-shaped eyes is this: Girl, there's a sea of good looking and smart young men out there so, don't ever make the mistake of heaven forbid, committing yourself to the 1st or 2nd or to anybody who shows an interest in you AT YOUR AGE! That's just about all i have to say on this matter for now, thank you very much!...hahaha.
Seriously, I guess what im trying to say is this...Dont grow up too fast Pxxxx. Because grown ups have to be responsible for serious grown up "issues". And let me just tell you, that part of being a grown-up is not at all fun! If i may give you a piece of advice to make your transition to adulthood nice and easy, it is to start gathering as much wisdom as you can and draw from those in your journey to "real life".
I wanted to add more topics like money matters here but this is way too long as it is and i wouldn't want you to regret having asked me to do this, if you haven't already. Lets save that for your next retreat^^
Let me end this by saying... My dear Pxxxx, if one day you find yourself in a tight fix or you need to talk to someone about something, anything that you couldn't tell anybody including or especially your parents, remember, you can always come to me. You have my word that i will never judge you. I may smack you a bit if you insist on acting dumb/stupid and make a fool of yourself, but i'm not gonna judge you... Haha, just kidding! Seriously, you only have to ask and i got your back all the way.
When i pray for you and your Mxxxxxx 1st cousins i always ask God to make you all a blessing to the people that you meet, specially those whom you're going to be with for the rest of your life. May you always turn to Him for guidance, security, strength and wisdom at all times because He is an amazing Lord and Savior. God bless you our Pxxxx. I love you very much... Mwaaah!