Dear Ninang,
You would have been 88yrs old yesterday. Sorry this came a day late, but, I did greet you in Facebook yesterday and it is still September 8 in some parts of the world :) in the old days, by now there would have been tons of birthday gifts and greetings from friends and colleagues. You would have worn a new dress too, as you always did on your birthday.
let me tell you about OUR ninang. She is a vain fashionista, that’s a fact. I know your everyday routine of washing your face with CY Gabriel Wonder Soap(don’t forget the CY ‘coz without it, its fake!) and putting on Ponds Cream day and night. she will never be caught without powder, lipstick, perfume and stockings outside of our house. Have to call Ason or Fanny(both manicurists) to have your nails done every week and have to go to the salon in Pasay to have your hair trimmed every month. Of course, every so often, the 3 of us, you, mamay and I would make that trip to the fabric shops to get materials for your clothes. The lace and embroidered collars, the electric pleated skirts, the jusi dresses and gowns…oh and your favorite things in the world ... jewelry, perfume, wrist watches, shoes and bags. Haay, I miss our favorite haunt in those days, SM Makati ! you would have been so happy that there are now huge malls 15 mins away from Carmona. Its no secret that you and I have been going “malling” every week even before that word came to the consciousness of most pinoys. She loves to eat out in style. How could I forget one of your famous creed, “ no fastfood for me, I want to be served !” our Ninang who doesnt mind being called Ninang even by those who are really not her "inaanak", me included :)
Ahhh, those were such happy memories that I always enjoy repeating to those who never had the priviledge of meeting you. Some of them are surprised at how close you are to the entire family and even to our extended family and yet, we are not at all related by blood. BUT blood is just genetics right? The bond that ties us goes beyond that, it’s the meeting of souls tied by deeply rooted shared memories and experiences, TOGETHER.

I wish I had more time to write this for you. But the clock is ticking and there is no time to spare for editing, researching and reminiscing. While it is fun to look back at those days, remembering all that also brought tears to my eyes with the realization that your death stopped all that from happening again.
Happy Birthday Ninang, it has been nearly 16 years since you left us but the memories and your words of wisdom is still very much in this house and will remain here for as long as I breathe. You will always be in our prayers and in our hearts. watch over us as im sure you always do and remember us to our good Lord and to our dear Mama Mary in heaven. You were happy with us but I bet you are happiest with Them. I miss you Ninang :)