our "loving" couple hopes to serve our beloved country as the next president and vice president in 2010...
now that the engagement has been formally announced…
straight from the horse’s, or is it the crocodile’s mouth?…
let me extend my heartfelt greetings to the future bride and groom…
best wishes…
and…may I add, both of you certainly deserve each other!
the bride, once, rather, often described a “political prostitute",este ulit, "political butterfly” because of her tendency to flit from one political party to another, depending on which side of the political bread is buttered, seems to be giving mrs pidal a run for her money as the worlds greatest “kapalmuks”. i thought, there’s no way anybody can beat or even seriously challenge any member of the pidal family in that department, but now, given time and opportunity, our bride can give them a run for their money. how can she explain running with a presidential candidate who only months ago she helped evict in his office as the senate president, and whom she voted to be investigated by the same body for corruption charges? anu yon ? paki explain nga….ay huwag na lang, gets ko na.
the groom, proud to be a former tindero from tondo is now a proud billionare who swore to high heavens he never used his public office to obtain juicy government contracts. oh, come on…talaga? swear? di nga? isn’t he the same guy who married into a relatively rich political/business family from las pinas, the aguilars? that’s right, the aguilars can be described as “rich” by Filipino standards, they were in local politics and they have several businesses. but, when our groom joined politics, specially when he sat as speaker of the house of representathieves, the profits of the aguilar businesses skyrocketed and just shot to the roof ! their net worth now has multiplied mannnnnnnnny times over. its either our groom is an excellent businessman or he is one hell of a lucky guy. 1+1=2 right? not really , in pinoy politics 1+1=11 !
now you ask, how did these two personalities got together in the first place? strange bedfellows indeed. at the very least the bride seems to be highly suspicious of the groom”s business and political “under-the-table” dealings. was there a pre-nuptial agreement? if there is one, how much did or will the bride get? true, they have nothing in common…oh, wait a minute, they do have something in common…they share a common interest. they already have fame and fortune, so, what else is left except, POWER. both does not have a running mate or could not convince their partymates to run with them, so...they decided to use each other! he gets a runningmate and she, got somebody to finance her candidacy. forget your principles(if you've got any), forget the differences on issues, forget shame, forget pride, forget that you do not exactly "like" each other at the very least...throw all that and focus on our goal...
the groom wants to alleviate poverty and the bride wants to tackle environmental isuues. CUT THE CRAP! both of you wants to be the most powerful people in this country to feed you supersized egos. Haay naku…men and their vanity!