as far as life lessons are
concerned what is there that still needs to be said between you and i?
I wish I could have given you a
better retreat letter but as always, you gave me such short notice so this
would have to make do…
I don’t think I’ve done this for
another human being but I have done it for you… I have taught you a lot... and I
mean, A LOT of things that I have learned from life in the hopes that as you go
through your own life as an adult, your struggles will be short, your pains would be bearable, your burdens/loads will be light, your frustrations will be few and your
happiness will be real and long-lasting.
I know that there are times when
you probably want to send me into exile in some godforsaken place when I give
you a hard time whenever you messed-up. or when I lose my temper with you and would
have wanted to give you a good spanking. but hey, don’t I always explain to you
why your attention is being called during such occasions? i hope by now you understand that I always
have your best interest at heart.
Years ago, I remember you asking
me this question, “tita, what age does a person mature?” *you meant in the
context of… the opposite of being immature, I suppose* I remember telling you that there are people
in their ripe old age who die and never reached maturity. And you boy are definitely not there yet so
please listen when someone*namely me* offers some pieces of advice.
Stubbornness and thinking that the only
opinion that matters is yours is the height of immaturity. Taking steady tiny steps forward is better
than taking a giant leap only to fall down on your landing. So it’s not a bad
thing to sometimes do a bit of self-reflection… set goals… and get your
priorities right.
Now here’s to me hoping that a
couple of years later, when you’re having the time of your life, not only will
you remember all my hour-long sermons, preaching and rants with a huge smile on
your face but for you to take every word to heart and have the happiest of life
that our good Lord intends you to have.