i wanted to write something for this blog today, coz I haven’t written anything in awhile, but, I find that it is hard for me to write anything if im not provoked enough by an idea, a topic, a scandal, a controversy or... whatever. its not as if everything has been coming up roses in this country these days. in fact, its more of the same, if not worse.
with the litany of bad news that I hear everyday on tv, have I become indifferent, shockproof or simply...numb? Have I just resigned myself to the idea that this is the norm…to just accept that this is it…umasa ka pa...umasa pa ko!
but, as the 2010 presidential election nears, i expect the attacks of the candidates against each other, to be more vicious, more aggressive, more wicked and 100% malicious in most cases. expect their paid hacks to zero in on the frontrunner, unleashing all their venom on the poor man, sorry noy, you of all people should know that this will not be a walk in the park. also, let us not forget that as mrs pidal’s term of office comes to an end, expect this administration to do a lot of desperate acts(like what they did in the past when they are in a tight fix), to cover their tracks and save their ugly and filthy behinds(its not as if they do a great job of it,"i am sorry", "iam not mr pidal my brother iggy is", "we just played golf in shenzen", "mr bolante is just an acquaintance", the list is endless!), kaya…abangan ang susunod na kabanata…
so…I predict, my days of passivity will not last long. sooner or later, i’ll be jolted from my slumber by some stupid hullabaloo. for now…let me drown myself in my state of world-weariness. not to worry though, there is zero chance I’ll die of boredom…not in this country!