I had a feeling, when you won the French open this year that it was a major turning point in your career of choice. While it is true that i really really felt bad when you tasted that loss at the hands of Robin Soderling in 2009, now in hindsight, it was a blessing in disguise. Every great champion needs to taste defeat in order to take his game on a higher level. if you know how to win, you should also know how to pick yourself up and regroup after a defeat. That is the mark of a great champion. and it is no coincidence that in the turning point that i was referring to earlier, you defeated the same man that ended your reign in that same court only a year ago, Robin Soderling.

When you were sidelined for almost a whole year and couldnt even win minor tournaments, because of injury according to reports, I was worried. I had a strong feeling that the problem was more mental than physical. While it is true that tennis is a physically draining game, it is also first and foremost, a mental game. You lost your confidence and your focus when you were defeated in your favorite clay court and it took you awhile to get over that hump … boy am I glad that you finally did.

I would have wanted to see you and Fed in more Grand Slam finals, BUT, again, I have this feeling that as far as Fed is concerned, YOU are the biggest complex in his life now. its no wonder that several quarters noted that Fed lost to Djokovic because at that time he already knows that he will be facing YOU if he wins that match, they say, how do you explain that 5 set loss when he was leading 2 sets to 1 in a grand slam event? He is Roger Federer for chrissakes! well, some people can be sooo mean, he's only human, despite what you heard on the contrary. He was actually lucky that you were sidelined for about a year and he was able to bounce back after that back-to-back loss to you in 2008 in the French Open and in his favorite Wimbledon. With Novak Djokovic’s star on the rise, could Fed’s be on a free fall? *Fed fans, don’t bite my head off, just asking*

That was no mean feat you accomplished today, a Career Slam at 24, the youngest ever to achieve that honor. You and I really have to meet one day, I just have to see you in action one of these days. When is the question. In the meantime, congratulations are in order, Felicitaciones Rafa, bien hecho (^.^)