==>for the list and title of blog entries, scroll down this page, its on the right side of your screen and go to "blog archive" and click the "arrow(triangle)" until the titles are revealed(the TRIANGLES should ALL be pointing DOWN)^^ NOTE==> i transferred the travel blog to this webpage/link http://www.nnylanna-piberg.blogspot.com ^^ NOTE==> here's the webpage/link for my Asian Drama Reviews http://www.pibergADreviews.blogspot.com ^^
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
SECOND, if I were and I had a chance to vote for the American president 4 years ago… I would have voted for another candidate in the primaries.
THIRD, I am NOT a big fan of politicians. I, more often than not, wear the hat of “The Queen of Cynicism” when politics becomes the topic of the day.
FOURTH, I don’t and cant write an entry on this blog simply because… I want to. In fact, I need a huge amount of inspiration, emotional connection, even anger… to goad me into writing. and now, im feeling none of those things.
SO, how the heck has this woman managed to move me enough to write something… anything today!
This is how it happened… I opened my TV… which is as usual already tuned in on a news channel when I turned it off last night…. OH, it’s the DNC and given the reasons I already stated above… you know I’m sooo not into that ! I was about to change channels and a mom was called onstage… She gave a very short BUT VERY EFFECTIVE speech that turns out to be an introduction of the current American First Lady… long story short, she managed to stop me from reaching out for that remote control.
Out came The First Lady of the most powerful nation on earth *sorry china, you STILL have a long way to go. Someday maybe… if you play your cards right!*… anyway, I like her dress BUT it was when she opened her mouth to speak that I was awed... that I was glued to that channel! holy cow...with that speech… SHE HIT THE HOMERUN AND THE BASES WERE LOADED!!! I mean… what is not there… it was a complete speech. It was inspiring… the story sounds and feels real… it was simply worded for your average american voter... it CLEARLY defines who she and her husband are as people… their values… character… their vision for themselves THEN, and their dreams and aspirations NOW for the country. The MATERIAL*speech* and the PERFORMANCE*delivery* was simply... OUTSTANDING! i expect the "other party" to put all kinds of spin as i write this to diminish the success and impact of that speech BUT there is one thing they cant' take away... there are speeches and there are speeches... and this one HAS A HEART ^^
NOW, whether she means what she says and says what she mean IS ANOTHER QUESTION… if it was ALL AN ACT... if she was spawning nothing but LIES… but then... SO WHAT? They all lie anyway ^^ hehehehe… Clearly, for this pinoy whose say in all these DOESN’T MEAN ANYTHING at ALL in the United States presidential elections… SHE MANAGED to impress me with her speech… its content… its delivery… its theme. At the very least IT WAS INSPIRING… and when a public speaker manage to inspire her audience like that… mannn… half the battle is already won!
NOW… IF I were an American would I vote for her husband? H*LL YEAH, and not because of his first lady’s speech BUT because the other guy looks like a total fake… LET US NOT FORGET WHAT POLITICAL PARTY WAS IN POWER AND AT THE HELM OF YOUR GOVERNMENT WHEN YOUR COUNTRY AND THE REST OF THE WORLD GOT INTO THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! of course, the realities of this particular election is The Economy, The Economy, The Economy*stupid!*. AND, this questions is ALWAYS being asked during a presidential election and it will be no different now... "are you better off today than four years ago?" HEY, I could be wrong BUT I would sooo hate for you guys to “get out of the frying pan and straight into the fire!”… I’m just sayin’ ^^ *i cant' believe im beginning to sound like im campaigning for someone here ^^*
I think I better stop now before my Republican friends scalp me alive with my opinionated opinions about a subject I have no business meddling into …to begin with ^^ as a last word, just a food-for-thought: A LEADER SHOULD INSPIRE HIS/HER FOLLOWERS… SO… MICHELLE OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT… someday maybe???
*credit to the uploader: ABCNews
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
==> the TREE and the FRUIT
This is going to be a short post which is so not me right *tongue-in-cheek* I have been sick(literally) these last 3 days and the last thing I need is to unnecessarily stress myself by thinking about the MARCOSes, AGAIN! But today being a historic day and a certain “JUNIOR” voting the way he did… I dunno… I find the NEED TO RANT SOMEWHERE… not because i'm boiling mad at the guy BUT to give some people some food-for-thought... so that by May2013, mag-isipisip muna tayo bago isulat ang kung kani-kaninong pangalan sa balota ninyo.
BONGBONG MARCOS VOTES TO ACQUIT CORONA... why am i not surprised by this? THE FRUIT DOES NOT FALL FAR FROM THE TREE is indeed TRUE!!! More often than not, kung hindi man eksaktong kopya, marami pa ring pagkakapareho sa paniniwala, paguugali, at pagdedesisyon.
You'd think JUNIOR was the guardian of our Bill of Rights if you believe everything that he said in his speech to explain his vote... hmmm, first off, lay off the legal gobbledygook talk and all that bullsh*t JUNIOR when youre not even a lawyer and worse, almost all your life, you and your family benefited in the biggest possible way during a time in the history of this country when your father robbed its entire population of ALL OUR RIGHTS! ngayon, feeling mo ikaw ang magbabantay ng karapatan namin??? wa na, hindi bagay sayo ang role na yan Dayunior, hayaan mo na lang kay Joker(na hindi funny) at kay Miriam na isang self- confessed "loose canon"ang role na yan... pwede?
i was hoping the guy would simply go with the flow and join the bandwagon. By the time he casted his vote, the prosecution was ahead, so I would understand if he voted with the winning side, HE IS A POLITICIAN AFTER ALL and with an infamous pedigree to boot. Had he done that, i'd give him the benefit of the doubt as far as his character and intentions were concerned. BUTTT, of course, the SON is sooo PROUD of his FATHER, the late DICTATOR, that there's no way will he support GOOD GOVERNANCE IN THIS COUNTRY… out-of-character diba? Welll, clearly ! haaay, what saddens me is the fact that the majority of the voting population in this country today NEVER KNEW MARTIAL RULE IN THE PHILIPPINES. And because of that, A MARCOS IS NOW SITTING PROUDLY IN THE SENATE !!!
a few days ago, a close relative while reading a newspaper article about the impeachment proceedings told me and I quote… “loko yang si bongbong mukhang kampi kay Corona, bakit ko ba naiboto yan, hindi ko na yan ulit iboboto”. This relative is 50+ years old and so it follows that HE knows what happened to this country 40 yrs ago, HE HAS NO EXCUSE! i've said this before and i'll say it again... THOSE WHO DON'T LEARN FROM THE LESSONS OF HISTORY ARE DESTINED TO REPEAT IT. and because of that, nakakalungkot man isipin, i wouldnt be surprised if one day, baka si "JUNIOR" eh maging Mr President! Dear God in heaven, i sincerely hope and pray i'm no longer around when that happens.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Its been awhile since I last wrote anything here. You did’nt see me writing about important national issues like the impeachment of the Supreme Court Chief Justice, the daily brownouts in Mindanao, the coming together of the “trapos” in support of Binay’s super mega early presidential bid and so on. BUT, when it comes to Philippine sovereignty, I find I cant completely ignore it for long. Quarrels within the same modest house seems petty to me now compared to when its people from the next door mansion who wants to eject you from your own home.
So when did I write the first part of this again??? I just checked, and I wrote “Dangerous Waters Part 1” not even one year ago and

Don’t get me wrong I fully support the idea of us going to the
Some sectors are saying that going to the United States for help is not the answer to this problem in the long term, and that the proper forum for this is the United Nations. OH YES, I COMPLETELY AGREE! But what do we do in the meantime when there are Chinese and Filipino vessels dangerously staring at each other RIGHT NOW in that area and our every effort to engage
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