do we as a nation resurrect this “mythical” group everytime our country reaches a critical point in our history? To set the record straight…

1. The Yellow Army is real. It is strong, robust and alive.
2. Its members are Filipinos willing to give their time, strength and resources for a common goal.
3. they still BELIEVE that all is not lost and our dream of becoming a great nation will one day be realized.
4. They remain in most cases, principled, committed, and focused to do whatever they can to take this country in the direction where their dreams could be realized.
5. They were willing to put their own lives on hold, leaving their jobs and their profession to work tirelessly more often than not working under the radar and for free.
6. They do not expect to be rewarded in their efforts except perhaps, to the people whom they have helped install in powerful posts, to give this country a decent and honest government.
7. They are those who in their own way try and educate the ignorant, the uninformed, and the misinformed about national issues and try to engage the uninterested, the apathetic and the cynical members of our society to be a part of history and learn its lessons.
8. Finally, they would do everything in their power to promote in a big way or in a small way, quietly or loudly, openly or discreetly what they believe in and support the ideals of Ninoy and Cory Aquino, that…
The Filipino is worth DYING FOR and
The Filipino is worth LIVING FOR.

The Yellow Army was born when Ninoy was killed in 1983. Their coming together are always spontaneous and never planned and always, triggered by a sense of outrage. As far as I know, it was called into action 3 times in our nation’s history. The 1st was in February1986 during the 1st People Power Revolution to oust Marcos the Dictator. The 2nd was January2001 during the impeachment and the eventual ouster of Erap the Plunderer. Since then, they have fallen into a deep slumber and was only jolted from that state with the death of Cory last year. Faced with the kind of leaders they now have, they realized what they had just lost. A woman who did not enrich herself in power. A woman who was not intoxicated by that power and was ready to relinguish it to her successor. A woman who led a simple life and continued to live until the day of her death in the modest bungalow that she shared with her husband. And a woman who gave up her quiet and comfortable life to lead us but whom we abandoned after putting her in power. sadly, we left her at the mercy of wolves disguised as political leaders, men of the armed forces who suffers from messianic complex(or is there also a political agenda?), government bureaucrats and the like. We expected her to solve our problems while she herself was trying to survive threats from all sides. In short, we did not do our part and she did hers. Maybe in our guilt, or remorse, The Yellow Army was once again called into action for the 3rd time. They launched a People’s Campaign to ensure the victory of Ninoy and Cory’s only son in the 2010 presidential polls.

To the hundreds of thousands of Yellow Volunteers of the Yellow Army, here and abroad, victory is indeed sweet BUT the dream for a better nation still remain. They vow not to abandon the current bearer of the torch, to remain vigilant and help him in nation building. Hopefully, we can count on that promise. We MUST keep the torch lit and the faith alive.

The Yellow Army is no myth. I know this for a fact because I consider myself one of them or at least, i symphatize with their cause. i don’t bear nor carry an identication card that identifies me as a member. It is enough that we share a common dream. im concerned and i care where this country is headed. i always vote for public servants according to my conscience and it is always an informed choice. My loyalty is not to the Aquino Family but to the ideals their parents espoused and tried to uphold. The Yellow Army will always be grateful to Ninoy and Cory Aquino for their service to the Filipino. Until a better leader rises from the ranks, it is not a bad thing to try and emulate them, not at all…