Impeachment is a function of Congress, the House to Impeach and the Senate to Convict. The Office of the Ombudsman, is the government agency that handles complaints and prosecutes cases(mostly graft in this country)against public officials. Its head, Merciditas Gutierrez was impeached by a vote of 46 NO votes, 4 abstained and a resounding 212 YES votes in the lower house of congress. 22 DID NOT VOTE for various reasons ...hmmm, im quite positive none of their reasons can be morally justified at any cost… grrr…

To those of you who may have read some or all of my previous posts about politics in this country, you know that I have a hate-hate relationship with that branch of government. I have mocked, accused, bad-mouthed, made fun, insulted, ridiculed, etc. our honorable members of congress. It didn’t matter to me when Pnoy run on a platform of change and won, ‘coz I knew that the same clowns will be back in that same legislative halls, so I figured, why keep my hopes up when im only bound to be disappointed anyway. With our history of voting for the wrong people, can you blame me for being the queen of sarcasm and cynicism? …I guess not… BUT now...

Let us dissect how they voted …here’s the HALL OF FAME and the HALL OF SHAME ...ang mga BIDA at KONTRABIDA least, sa drama kagabi. im not too sure about every little detail as to who voted YES, but from what I know from recent televisions interviews, mukhang ito ang ilan sa mga bida…

I guess some of the 46 who voted NO are those whom even if you fry them alive would remain bad-to-the-bone, others are cohorts of the previous administration masquerading as representatives of partylist groups whose roots can be traced to the Arroyos, AND a family that made public office a family business. I couldn’t put all their pics, but from the pictures below I’ll let you take your pick as to who is who…

…not missing from the cast are those who ABSTAINED …wait, how do I describe this people… playing safe? …those with non-existent conviction? …unprincipled? …no mind of their own? Hmmm, I guess, all of the above huh…

…there’s the night’s alledge FLIP-FLOP'er ..first it was a NO, then it was a YES. Ano ba talaga kuya??? What do you expect …it must be the genes…

...there’s the night’s famous MIA(Missing In Action) who was sorely missed by his legion of fans and whom I understand exchanged nasty tweets with some netizens on that same night ...conduct unbecoming of a congressman Mr. Pacman, shame on you. Last I heard, he is now insisting that he said via the net that his vote is a NO to impeachment. Why am I not surprised, besides, if youre not there to cast your vote in the flesh, it is NOT COUNTED. With your NO-SHOW im afraid you missed the opportunity to shine even more in a field you vowed to excel in and to bring pride to your constituents…

…not to be outdone is another NO-SHOW. What can i say, ts people like her that gives the House of Representatives a bad name…

…finally, I hope none of you accuses me of being sipsip BUT, I have to give credit where credit is due …to the representative of my own district …KUDOS MR. CONGRESSMAN…

Before I end this, i’d like to say a little prayer for our president …I pray that when the time comes and the president will appoint the next Ombudsman, and may I repeat “when” and not ”if”, that our good lord will shower upon him with utmost discernment and whoever that person may be, that he or she remain loyal to our nation and serve it with honor and pride AND may he or she be able to withstand the scrutiny of a very cynical and skeptic nation. AMEN.